Saturday, December 22, 2007


Mother Grendel

Movie: Theatrical Release
Release: 16 November 2007 (USA)
Page at IMDB
Rating: All Right

A friend of mine took me to see Gaimon's adaption of Beowolf. I found the adaption to be more entertaining than the written story (old English is not something I enjoy reading), and far better than any adaption I have seen to date. The CGI was quite impressive, I often found myself forgetting that the characters on the screen were not real people. When Angelina Jolie appeared, I was immersed enough that I reacted as if the actual person were present on the screen.

One of the big selling points for the movie was that it was in 3-d. They issued some glasses which fit fairly well over my own, however I really didn't see what was added by the effects. For the most part the effects annoyed me as they kept appearing in my lower periphery, an event which distracted me from the movie as I continually turned my head to locate the new "threat."

I recommend seeing this movie, on DVD, though I didn't feel ripped off from having seen it in the theater.

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